Every Mama Journey is Unique and Beautiful
New Year’s is always a time of reflection for me on my mama journey. I was thinking about past years and how they were different than I imagined. Sometimes, we see social media posts and think someone is doing so much better than we are, but we don’t know the truth of what is happening in their day to day life. We are only seeing the edited versions they wish to share. **please note, below is a loss trigger warning.**
On January 1, 2019, I had a miscarriage at 11 weeks. I labored for 12 hours, writhing in pain in our bed, panting on all fours, and running back and forth to the bathroom. It was not how I planned to ring in the new year. I had big hopes of sharing our news with our family the following week. In an instant, my vision for 2019 was taken away from me. I knew it could happen, of course. The odds were high considering my age. It was nice to be positive and imagine everything would be ok.
In a surprise turn of events on January 1, 2020, I was 7 months pregnant with twins. Didn’t see that one coming! If you asked me in a million years, could I have imagined this moment in my mama journey, I would’ve said no. Goes to show that you can set goals or have a vision for your life, but sometimes your life might be bigger and better than you could ever dream.
I started therapy in January 2021. After being told in every appointment and nurse meeting that “everyone was feeling low,” I decided to take matters into my own hands. I knew I needed support to feel better and to show up for our girls the way I wanted to. Counselors who focused on maternal well-being had 10 to 12 month waitlists. I emailed so many people and finally found someone who is amazing to help me on my mama journey. If you’re not feeling yourself or need someone to speak with outside of friends and family, do it mama! It can be so helpful to vent, cry, complain, ask questions and get the support you need.
January 2022, after many naptime study sessions and late nights, I became a postpartum doula. Becoming a mama in 2020 was nothing I could’ve ever planned for or expected! The lack of support and care made me want to be there for mamas during postpartum to let them feel heard, prepared and confident in their journey.
In January 2023 I made it my mission to find out what was happening with my body. For years being told, “Oh you have twins, of course you’re tired!” or then being told, “I think you’re in perimenopause.” (simply because of my age). I had taken supplements, vitamins, iron for THREE YEARS, with little to no improvement. In early 2023 I took the Dutch test which showed my melatonin was very low and my cortisol was out of range (getting up with twins for 3 years will do that do a body). After starting on more supplements I still didn’t have more energy, was tired all the time and nothing seemed to be helping. I finally pushed for an iron infusion and further bloodwork. Turned out I have Hashimoto’s, a thyroid autoimmune disease. All of the symptoms mimic other diagnosis like perimenopause, depression, and allergies. Mama if you’re struggling, advocate for yourself. Ask for further bloodwork, check in with your doctor, write down all of your symptoms and don’t give up until you feel better.
January 2024 is the start of something exciting! After a few years helping new mamas as a postpartum doula I wanted to reach more mamas in an affordable and accessible way. I’ve started creating postpartum products for expectant and new mamas. I will be launching a Flourishing Postpartum Etsy store later this week with a few eBooks, pintable’s and hospital bag organizers. Soon to follow will be the Pregnancy Planner and Postpartum Planner in hard copy! I am beyond exciting for these new offerings and cannot wait to see how they help you feel prepared and confident in your pregnancy and postpartum mama journey.
Some of these years were very hard, emotionally and physically but I kept going. There were times when I was depleted, discouraged and distressed. In 2024 I want to be a better mother (hello parenting books), partner (more date nights), and make self care (bubble baths, yoga and meditation) all a priority for my life. By doing these I will be able to feel good about the work I’m doing in my family and business. My mama journey has only begun and I can’t wait to watch these years unfold.