breastfeeding positions for your baby and you

Breastfeeding Positions find the most comfortable and effective one

breastfeeding positions for your baby and you

When it comes to feeding, there are several different breastfeeding positions you can try to find the most comfortable and effective one for both you and your baby. Here are a few examples:

5 Common Breastfeeding Positions

Breastfeeding positions cradle hold


The cradle hold is one of the most common positions for breastfeeding. To do this, sit in a comfortable chair or use a nursing pillow to support your baby’s weight. Hold your baby’s head in the crook of your arm on the same side as the breast you’re nursing from. Your baby’s body should be facing you, with their nose aligned with your nipple.

Breastfeeding positions cross-cradle hold


Similar to the cradle hold, the cross-cradle hold offers more support for your baby’s head and neck. Hold your baby’s head in the crook of the opposite arm from the breast you’re nursing from. Use your other hand to support your breast and guide your baby’s latch. This position is often helpful for newborns or babies who need extra support.

Breastfeeding positions  football hold


The football hold, also known as the clutch or underarm hold, can be helpful for mothers who have had a cesarean section or those with larger breasts. Sit in a comfortable chair and tuck your baby’s body under your arm on the same side as the breast you’re nursing from. Support your baby’s head with your hand, and their body will be positioned along the side of your body, facing your breast.

Breastfeeding positions football hold


The side-lying position can be particularly useful during night feedings or when you want to rest while breastfeeding. Lie on your side with your baby facing you, tummy to tummy. Use a nursing pillow or rolled-up blanket to support your baby’s body and bring them closer to your breast. This position allows you to relax while your baby nurses.

Breastfeeding positions football hold


In the laid-back position, also known as biological nurturing, you recline slightly and allow your baby to lie on top of you, nestled against your body. Use gravity to help your baby find their latch naturally. This position can be helpful for newborns and babies who may have difficulty latching in other positions.

Remember, finding the right breastfeeding position is a matter of comfort and effectiveness for both you and your baby. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different positions and seek support from a lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist if you encounter any challenges or have specific needs.