As a New Mama What The NICU Stay Taught Me

Mom and Dad with twins NICU Stay

Going through a NICU stay can be a challenging and emotional experience for both parents and their baby. It often provides valuable lessons that can have a profound impact.

Five things learned from a NICU stay:

Resilience and Strength:

A NICU stay can test your resilience and inner strength in ways you never imagined. Witnessing your baby’s struggle and the unknowns of the NICU is a big test of resiliance. This experience can show how strong and capable you are as a parent.

The Power of Advocacy:

During your NICU stay, you may have become your baby’s strongest advocate. You learned to ask questions, seek information, and actively participate in your baby’s care. This experience has empowered you to speak up for your baby’s needs and possibly your own.

Appreciation for the Little Things:

A NICU stay often shines a light on the fragility of life and the value of small moments. It can make you see simple joys. Like your baby’s first smile or the sound of their cooing. This experience can teach you to treasure each milestone and to find beauty in the everyday moments.

The Importance of Support:

Navigating the NICU journey can be overwhelming, but realizing how powerful having support and the importance of leaning on others can be. Whether it was your partner, family, friends, or the NICU staff, having a strong support system can make all the difference. Reaching out for help when you need it is so critical.

Gratitude for Medical Professionals:

A NICU stay exposes you to a team of dedicated medical professionals who care for your baby. Through their expertise, compassion, and unwavering commitment, they played a big role in your baby’s journey. This experience can teach you to appreciate and value the incredible work done by healthcare providers.

Going through a NICU stay is a challenging experience, but it also provides invaluable lessons. From discovering your own resilience and strength to appreciating the little things and understanding the importance of support, this journey can change so much for parents. Remember, the lessons you learn during this time will continue to shape your parenting journey and your appreciation for the precious moments you share with your baby. I would love to support you on your journey as a postpartum doula.