Why is formula feeding so negative.

Why is Formula Seen As a Negative?

Why is formula feeding so negative?

Why does formula have such a negative association? How have you let your baby down if you’re only trying to make sure they’ve had enough food? Shouldn’t combination feeding be something that’s positive and supportive for new mamas, if they need it? When I was struggling with my breastfeeding journey, searching formula feeding amounts when combination feeding didn’t really supply an answer.

The First Time we Used Formula

The first time we fed the girls formula was a week after they came home from the NICU. They were used to exactly measured feeds. I wasn’t used to breastfeeding full time and had only been pumping while they were in the NICU, since they were not strong enough to breastfeed in the beginning. We had some emergency formula on hand, which the NICU nurses gave us when we left. They barely handed it over and told us not to use it. I thought my body could produce enough milk since that’s what all the literature told me. After a week of no sleep, feeding two newborns around the clock, literally every hour. We gave the girls some formula, in hopes it would make them happy and their tummies full.

A Lactation Consultant made me feel guilty for using formula

I met with a lactation consultant the day after we fed the girls formula for the first time. During our meeting she gave me tips on how to tandem feed, support the babies while feeding and how to make sure they had the proper latch. I tried to ask about supplementing or topping up with formula and she said my body would be able to feed both of them. Wouldn’t even answer my formula questions. As she was leaving I asked again about using formula in conjunction with breastfeeding. Keeping in mind 80-90% of their nutrition was going to be breastmilk. She said if I absolutely had to, I could for a week or so top up every 4 hours with one ounce of formula. See how the weight gain was and then slowly stop the formula. She followed this up by saying I should then get a really expensive baby probiotic since I would be killing their gut bacteria. I was horrified.

I used formula to help my babies

The night before, out of desperation, I had fed the babies formula. I told her and asked whether that would be enough to affect them. She said yes, one bottle of formal would kill their gut bacteria. As soon as she left and I shut the door I broke down crying. I only wanted my babies to be content and not hungry. To make sure they were getting enough nutrition. I felt horrible, like I’d let the babies down by making a choice that negatively affected their digestive systems. WHY?!?! Why did that lactation consultant make me feel bad about making sure my babies were getting enough nutrition. Why didn’t she support me? Why couldn’t she see I was struggling? Why was breastfeeding the ONLY option? For weeks afterwards I struggled with using formula. We even stopped for a while. The babies were miserable and hardly gained any weight. It wasn’t worth it. I bought the expensive probiotic and formula. Evie and Poppy continued to gain weight and were happier and healthier for it.

Mama you make the feeding decisions that are right for you. Educate yourself, ask questions, find professionals who support your journey.