Ask for help after birth and sleep deprivation

Ask For Help After Birth Even Though It’s Difficult

Ask for help after birth


To ask for help postpartum. Although you will want to know all of the answers, you won’t. ⁠Make sure you ask for help after birth.

In the beginning there will be people around you who can assist you and want to help. It’s simply a matter of saying yes. Tomorrow on the blog I am talking about our breastfeeding journey. This was an area, that although I had read about and taken a prenatal course, neither of those prepared me for the real thing. When we were in the hospital the NICU nurses were there to help me and the babies learn how to breastfeed. Even though they would talk me through how to breastfeed or show me, sometimes I couldn’t get it right. I was embarrassed to ask for help, like I should already know how, but I didn’t. The NICU nurses were so knowledgeable and kind. They would assist me anytime I needed it.

Mama sometimes you have to ask for help

I didn’t want to ask for help on how to breastfeed. Shouldn’t my body know what to do naturally? Shouldn’t my baby find the breast and latch on? Was I doing something wrong? There were so many questions that went through my head. I felt this was something my body should know instictively. In the end between the NICU nurses and a lactation consultant I was able to figure it out, but it was not an easy journey. There is so much information on breastfeeding your baby and, what do I always say, make sure to read this BEFORE the baby is born. Knowing what to expect in terms of latching a baby, nipple pain, how often a baby feeds, can really help your physical and mental state in those early weeks and months.